Job Interview Jitters?

From the Desk of Bob Firestone · Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers

“Job Interview Jitters? - Kill The Butterflies & Get More Confident. – Download 177 Pre‑Prepared Interview Answers To Use To Get Hired!”
(see Sample Answers below)
❦ Job interview coming up? They'll ask you about past projects — how you handled deadlines, how you handled difficult personalities, and how your role evolved. They'll be asking you for details — including names of people, dates, and measurable outcomes.

Consider this: You're 100% guaranteed to be asked this question, or something like it:

"So … Tell me about yourself."

… Your response here exposes SO MANY of your Behavioral Competencies!

Hi, my name is Bob Firestone and I've dedicated the last 20 years of my life to continually improving a set of pre-prepared interview answers that have now helped over 50,000 people to interview confidently and GET HIRED into some of the world's top companies.

Here's my promise. In the next 5 minutes you learn to:
Craft your crucial "opening statement" so it speaks to your strengths and past successes in a memorable & convincing way.
Discuss your behavioral competencies (transferable skills) in a way that makes you a perfect fit for the job.
Feel comfortable using professional words, phrases, and metrics to communicate your value.
Become more confident in your self-presentation; easily calming job interview nerves or fear.
Tell them exactly what they want to hear — so you GET HIRED. That's the point, and that's what this is all about! ��
▪ You only have a limited time in front of your interviewer … So with that time you must say the most powerful and most calculated things to get them to want to hire you.
✔ In a hurry? … This job interview training saves you time, getting you informed and prepared fast.
A picture of CJ Loria
"I found Bob's job interview training to be a tremendous resource that changed how I prepare for an interview. The focus on behavioral interview questions and how to prepare was worth many times what I paid for it."

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Christopher "CJ" Loria
Former NASA Astronaut
My templates & materials have been strongly
recommended by hundreds of people since 2004.
About The Interview Answers
Included in Your Download:
FOR EVERY QUESTION you may face, this download gives you several word-for-word example answers to choose from — AND you'll have the templates for creating own perfect answers — based on your own personality & your own work experience.

Three hundred (300) behavioral interview questions are covered in the training, with over 177 example answers that work for behavioral, competency-based, situational, structured, ATOLA model, & KSA interviews.

“Give Them Measurable Proof in the form of Personal Success Metrics …”
The materials reveal several ways of coming up with measurable proof based on your own personal work experience & achievements. You'll discover it's as easy as fill-in-the-blanks to create your metrics — and it's SO effective in getting then to buy in to your potential & your value as an employee!

You'll have powerful statements like this you can deliver with confidence:

"I think my experience with [Company XYZ] in cutting costs 30% / saving 20 man-hours of work per week / increasing revenue by 14% / getting the job done about 50% faster / decreasing turn-around time by ⅓ / helping customers 20% more of the time is the type of experience that will help me succeed in this role ..."

"... Plus my strengths in industry knowledge / time management / goal-setting / teamwork / empowering others / persuasive presentations / partnering & negotiating / innovation & creativity / strategic leadership / special skill really make me a strong candidate."

"FOR EXAMPLE, when I was at Company XYZ … (use one of your S.O.A.R.L. Stories here) … And the result was … And what I learned was [XYZ] …"

… Then ASK QUESTIONS to get them to agree with you:
(Follow up immediately with a QUESTION OF YOUR OWN) "… Are you currently facing any challenges like that in your department? … and what might I do to help solve those problems in my first couple months on the job here?"

"You'd agree that having this type of experience would probably help me succeed in this position … wouldn't you?" (say it with a smile)

"Would that type of problem-solving experience be relevant to this position?"

See how you followed up w/ a question about THEIR needs? Smart.
✔︎ Don't be bashful — You've gotta say stuff like this! … I give you all the vocabulary for describing your strengths.

▪ Here's a more fully formed example answer:
"When facing problems I try to take a systematic approach. I think it's important to clarify the problem first and get as much information as I can by collaborating with important stakeholders — BEFORE I start proposing possible solutions. I also try to think about what the best possible outcome might look like. FOR EXAMPLE, when I was at Company XYZ … (use one of your S.O.A.R.L Stories here) … and the result was about a 15% increase in cost-savings for that project. What I learned was [XYZ] …"

"… Does that answer your question, or are there specific competencies or other situations you'd like me to discuss?"

Are You Ready For Tough Questions Like These?

I teach you exactly how to respond to all of the following questions (more sample answers below.)

Scroll Down ⬇
Give me an example of a problem you faced on the job, and tell me how you solved it.

Describe a recent split-second decision you made at work. What was your process for making the decision?

What was your role in your department's most recent success?

Tell me about a time you had to learn a new technical skill … How did you go about it?

Share some examples of how you've been able to motivate other people.

Tell us about a project when you were responsible for the budget … How did you stay within budget?

Walk me through the steps you took to reach an important long-term goal.

What's your biggest weakness? … Give some examples of areas where you need to improve.

Describe a change you needed to make that was unpopular.
How did you implement it?

Tell me about an important written document you were required to complete.

What have you learned from your mistakes?

What have you done when you had more than one project with the same deadline?

What would your last manager say about you?

Describe the worst boss you have ever had. What did you learn from that?

What are these gaps in your employment history?

How much $$$ money do you expect if we offer this position to you?

▪ ALL of these questions are answered in my Guide, + 150 more.
Tell me about a time you had to build new relationships in order to get something done … How did you go about that?

Describe a situation when working with a team produced more successful results than if you had completed the project on your own.

What happens when you have to deal with an angry customer or client?

What do you do when people disagree with your ideas? … Describe some times when you had to resolve a conflict with someone, or guide others to compromise.

What's the most significant presentation you've given? … how did you prepare?

What motivates you to go the extra mile on a project or job?

Do you consider yourself to be a leader? … What are the attributes of a good leader?

Are you good at delegating tasks? … Tell us about your process.

How do you go about influencing people to go along with your plan or opinion?

Tell me a joke.

Summarize the last book you read.

Sell me this pen.

What does it mean to be successful?

Tell me about a problem you solved that wasn't assigned to you. Why did you solve that problem? … Why didn't anyone else solve it?

Give me an example of a time when you took a risk and failed. How did you feel? … What happened next?

You may be overqualified or too experienced for the position. What should we think about that?

What things have you done to help yourself in your career?

A year from now, how will you evaluate if you have been successful in this position?

What will it take for you to accept this job?


�� Each & Every One of the above questions (+ 150 more) are answered for you in my Guide – even the weird trick questions you can expect in competency-based, behavioral interviews.
… Go in to your next interview with more hope, and better possibilities!

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New Customers can take 40% off beforeTuesday, August 27th at 7:59am EST.
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Example Questions & Answers from the Guide:
Every example interview question in the Guide begins with:

A strategic discussion of the question
the reasons why they are asking it, and
what they probably want to hear in your response:
Describe a problem you faced on the job, and tell me how you solved it.
ANSWER STRATEGY:First, identify their "pain points" or current challenges you think they might be facing. Next, explain the POSITIVE OUTCOME and MEASURABLE RESULTS you achieved by solving a similar problem … Then get them to agree with you that your experience in that area is what they're looking for.
Here's the basic answer formula:
"Sure, at my last job we had a problem where the situation was "X" ... the action I took was "Y" ... and the positive outcome was "Z" ... In an email to the entire team I was praised by Susan, the Project Manager, for solving the problem and cutting costs about 15% for that project. We were also able to deliver in about ⅔ the time it would have taken us otherwise. What I learned from the situation was "ABC." I think that's the type of experience you are looking to bring to your team … isn't it?"

“Learn How To Uncover The Interviewer's Hidden Needs”
Example Interview Question
What did you like best and least about your previous job?
STRATEGY: This is potentially a trick question. You want to say what you liked best about your last job are things that will appeal to the Hiring Manager. Show that your last job allowed you to demonstrate many of the positive and desirable Behavioral Competencies that are discussed in-depth in the Guide. Give them specific examples of how your last job allowed you to flex your skills and show your maturity.
"What I liked about my last was I was able to really develop my "XYZ" skills which I know will help me succeed here if I am fortunate enough to be able to join your team. What are the qualities of the people who have been most successful in your department?"

(Notice the "data-mining" question ↑↑ about the skills and characteristics of other people. You're sniffing for clues about what they want to hear!)

"One thing I liked about my last job was it allowed me to develop my project management skills ... FOR EXAMPLE, I was put in charge of a project where I had to earn the "buy-in" of people from several different departments — and I had all the responsibility for getting the project completed but no real authority over my teammates. I was successful because I involved key stakeholders from the beginning. My team knew that other people were on board, so I was able to negotiate them to an agreement on deadlines. Then day-to-day I made sure everyone was completing their work on time by setting up a progress tracking system … Can I tell you about it?"

Interview Question
What's the worst mistake you ever made on the job, and what did you learn from it?
STRATEGY: Think about what they want to hear. Show that you are able to learn from your mistakes, but don't offer up any negative examples concerning your past performance. Show that you have been successful, but that you have the maturity it takes to examine your own behavior so you can learn and grow and be a better employee. Be brief.
"Good question. Well, I have been successful at every job I've had, but I have had the normal ups and downs. I'd say that I do actively try to monitor the quality of my work so I can constantly be improving myself. FOR EXAMPLE, I have had one or two hiccups with clients (or customers) where their satisfaction was not exactly where I thought it was. I learned that I have to really monitor certain difficult clients closely and "take their temperature" so I can keep their satisfaction level as high as possible. Have YOU had any customers like that here?"

“Will Fill You With Motivation And Confidence!”
Interview Question
Describe a situation when working with a team produced more successful results than if you had completed the project on your own.
STRATEGY: This is another Behavioral Interview style of question. The Hiring Manager wants to understand your thought process, and your behavioral competencies related to teamwork.

"Well, throughout my career I've worked both independently and as a member of many teams. I have to say, though, that collaborating with other people across departments is always a good idea — specifically when it comes to brainstorming and knowledge sharing. When it's appropriate, I try to get outside perspectives on possible solutions. I did that a lot at Job 'ABC'. FOR EXAMPLE … and the OUTCOME was a roughly 30% increase in cost-savings for the company, and a significant decrease in the time it took to complete the project."

"Would that type of experience be relevant to this job? ... Great! ... So when do I start? ..." (don't be afraid so throw some humor in if it's going well!)

�� … To an interviewer, the difference is ENORMOUS between people who have a flood of relevant experience stories, and people who don't.
�� Discount: Take 40% off when you order before 7:59am EST on Tuesday, August 27th.

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Your order also includes:
+ The Interactive Flashcards!

Fifty-two (52) beautiful online flashcards to train you on the strongest words and phrases that match exactly what your Interviewers are looking for. Get them thinking "YES … this is the person we should hire." Helps you study – The flashcards are included Free with your order today.

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�� Here's a video sample of 8 of the 52 flashcards:


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This is a video, but when you actually use the flashcards (included w/ your order) you see the Behavioral Competency, then you click on it to turn the card over to reveal the definition – which you should read out loud. Works on your phone or on your computer.

������ Memorize these Behavioral Competencies & you are guaranteed to impress! — You'll be more confident. This type of professional language is exactly what hiring managers want to hear.
What it does for you
Creates answers that show your work experience is a perfect fit for the job.
You become more confident in your self-presentation; you're now able to quickly calm nerves or fear.
You easily command professional words, phrases, and metrics to communicate your value.
Saves you hours of research looking at random blogs. How much is your time worth?
You have proven patterns for talking about your strengths and past successes in a reassuring way.
Plan the best questions for YOU to ask the interviewers to show them you're smart and engaged.
HELPS THEM understand your potential — so you GET HIRED into the company!
“... Learn The 'Mind-Set' Of Successful Interviewing ...”
The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers 2024 (7th edition) reveals the best way to say the things that are most calculated and most likely to resonate with your interviewers. Have them nodding their heads thinking "yes" — this is the person we should hire!

Here's What's Inside The 2024 Guide:


✔︎ Clear & instantly useful interview strategies that will surprise you in their effectiveness. You can do it too!

✔︎ Winning responses to the toughest questions most applicants fear — even the weird trick questions.

✔︎ A model for crafting your own perfect introductory "opening statement."

✔︎ Structured answer‑options for the crucial "So, tell me about yourself …" question.

✔︎ Over 45 questions for YOU to ask the interviewer to uncover their "hidden needs."

✔︎ Questions for YOU to ask to dig and discover what it's REALLY like to work there.

✔︎ The 40 desirable Behavioral Competencies that they will be grading you on.

Precise guidance on how to discuss your very best work in a convincing way — with many specific hooks and examples for you to try.
Trains you to focus your interview responses on the key information you should be communicating in the limited time you have during the interview.
✔︎ The correct way to prepare, with accuracy, step-by-step.

✔︎ All the prep tools you will ever need, in one organized folder.

✔︎ Discover 18 scientific techniques to build rapport & increase your likability factor.

✔︎ A quick 9-step exercise that will calm your nerves every time.

✔︎ A spreadsheet of 240 action verbs and confident "outcome words" to use in your answers.

✔︎ 22 embarrassing management-level job interview MISTAKES that most people make (and you should AVOID).

✔︎ A dozen "power closing statements" for when you ask for the job.

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Interactive S.O.A.R.L Story Creation Templates.
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�� Here's What People Are Saying: Read All Reviews »
5.0 out of 5 stars"I will recommend your guide to my candidates. It's great!"
ByGina Padilla
Talent Acquisition LeaderStaffing and Recruiting
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"I've been in the recruiting and staffing business for 18 years, but the information on how to frame responses to questions gave me the confidence I needed to get *myself* a job! ... I also liked the behavior-based / behavioral interview questions strategies — it's so important to be prepared for this. I will recommend your guide to my candidates. It's great!"

5.0 out of 5 stars"A fascinating compass … It gave me an extraordinary advantage."
ByElena Chong
Regional ManagerGlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals
A picture of Elena Chong
"I would describe this guide as as a fascinating compass to use to plan for a high-impact interview. It's designed to set you up for success in every regard. Very comprehensive, by the way. It gave me an extraordinary advantage."

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ByClaude Aurelien
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"I purchased your book right after I graduated from college. Your book was a life changing shift for me in understanding job interviews and it landed me a job. Recently my son was born and we relocated to NC from CT. I'm now actively looking for work again & I thought I still had a copy of your book but can't find it! — all those perfect answers i had tailored to my work experience, and the breathing techniques, the confidence builders, are all gone. I have a phone interview today and I've been doing my own research and compiling different questions and answers but NOTHING is as helpful as your book was to me! Can you send me a new copy? THANKS!"

5.0 out of 5 stars"A must-read item to be prepared for what is going to come at you!"
ByBill Beckman
System Sales DirectorInformation Technology and Services
A picture of Bill Beckman
"As you have stated, there is a specific process to answering questions. Even slightly incorrect answers can stop your chances dead. As a manager who has interviewed hundreds of people over the years, I would always look for reasons NOT to hire someone in the interview. I would describe your Guide as a must-read item to be prepared for what is going to come at you — because it will!"

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ByFernando Lafuente
VP Operations North AmericaDanone Multinational Foods
A picture of Fernando Lafuente
"I landed my dream job because of the tips I have been getting from you. And I actually enjoyed the interviews I did. At first I was scared looking at the candidates that I was to compete with, but after considering the fact that I had been called for the post means they had seen something in me I can deliver. It was courage that has landed me the new role I am holding now."

5.0 out of 5 stars"Your answer formula was exactly what they were looking for."
ByGary Rousseau
Sr. Project EngineerIndustrial Engineering
A picture of Gary Rousseau
"Bob, I purchased your guide two days ago and took the time to commit some answers to memory. To my surprise, I used every one of them during the interview! … They told me it would be a structured interview — and your answer formula was exactly what they were looking for. Having the answers fresh in my mind was well worth the price of the Guide. It's a very valuable resource."

5.0 out of 5 stars"It's been very resourceful and very helpful."
ByCaroline Olatunji
Project ManagerInformation Technology, UK
A picture of Caroline Olatunji
"Bob I just bought your book the Ultimate Guide to Job Interviews, and i am so excited, it's been very resourceful and very helpful. Straight away I used the list of behavioral competencies to update my CV and my linkedin profile and it looks so much stronger!"

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ByGina Matveeva
Senior Oracle SpecialistInformation Technology
A picture of Gina Matveeva
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Job Interview Answers Review.
Go into your next Interview with more hope
and better possibilities!
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P.P.S. $37 is less than you'll spend on a round of drinks when you celebrate getting the job.

P.P.P.S. You only have a limited time in front of your interviewers to say the strongest things to get them to like you & believe in your capabilities. Get prepared! ��

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